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Text File | 1994-11-21 | 11.2 KB | 234 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- Writing SoundEffects effect modules
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ©1994 Alberto Ricci <ricci@pmn.it> <fricci@polito.it>
- Your effect module file must be of type '√Eff' and creator '√SFx'. The √ symbol
- is obtained by typing option-v.
- SoundEffects calls your module by passing it four parameters:
- - a message (OSType) specifying which action to perform.
- - information on the sound (ModParamsPtr).
- - pointers to 68000 callback routines (GluePtr).
- - pointers to PowerPC callback routines (GluePtr).
- To simplify things, a file called “Glue.c” is included in the SoundEffects
- Developer’s Kit. You should add this file to your project, so you don’t need
- to handle all the messages yourself: just write your own effect(), settings()
- and about() routines, as explained below.
- To make your life even easier, two “empty” effect projects (Symantec C 7.0 and
- Metrowerks CodeWarrior 1.1) are included. Just make a copy of, rename it, and
- insert your code where needed.
- If your module doesn’t need a custom About… dialog, and uses the standard
- resources (as described below under “About Window resources”), add the file
- “ModNoAbout.c” to your project.
- If your module doesn’t have any parameters or doesn’t need to save any settings,
- add the file “ModNoSettings.c” to your project.
- Definitions of the structures and constants used in this document can be found
- in the header file “Glue.h” distributed with the SoundEffects Developer’s Kit.
- This file also contains all the prototypes you’ll need.
- The header file “Glue.h” is commented, so take a look at it for specific
- information.
- If you use the supplied “Glue.c” file, you can also use global variables
- throughout your code.
- • effect code resources are of type 'EFCT'.
- • put any error messages (which are reported with (*glue->ModShowError)() or by
- returning a value ≠ noErr and ≠ kModCancel to the application) into a
- 'STR#' resource, ID = 1000.
- • always put one 'mInf' resource, any ID. A template for this resource type is
- included with the SoundEffects Developer’s Kit.
- In this resource, specify the minimum amount of RAM you want available before
- running and the oldest header version your effect supports (see below,
- “Header Versions”).
- • if you add a resource of type 'EFCF' to a module, and an FPU is present, that
- code resource will be called instead of the 'EFCT' one, with the same parameters.
- • if you add a resource of type 'EFCP' to a module, and SoundEffects is running
- on a Power Mac, that code resource will be called instead of the 'EFCT' one,
- with the same parameters.
- • put any picture and/or text (shareware notices, author info, etc.) you want
- to be displayed in the Progress window when the module is running into a
- PICT and/or TEXT resource, ID = 1001.
- • If you want your effect to appear in a submenu of the “Effects” menu in
- SoundEffects, add a resource of type 'Grup', any ID, containing the name
- of the submenu. The format of this resource is identical to that of a 'STR '
- resource, and a template is included with the Developer’s Kit.
- • put any copyright info into a 'STR ' resource, ID = 1000, and it will be
- displayed in the effect’s about dialog (shown when choosing the effect with
- the shift key down).
- • put a description of the effect into a 'TEXT' resource, ID = 1000, which will be
- displayed in the effect’s about dialog.
- • put any version info into a 'vers' resource, ID = 1, and it will be displayed in
- the effect’s about dialog.
- • if you want a custom window size for the about dialog, add a 'nrct' resource,
- ID = 1000, containing the rect of the window in the first rectangle field.
- • if you want to add a picture to the window, add it as a 'PICT' resource,
- ID = 1000, and put the rect in which it should appear in the second rectangle
- field in the 'nrct' resource, ID = 1000.
- If you don’t add this rectangle to the 'nrct' resource, the picture’s rectangle
- will be used.
- If you add the rectangle to the 'nrct' resource, but it is empty (top = bottom
- and left = right), the picture’s rectangle will be used, and the top left corner
- will be positioned at the top left corner of the empty rectangle.
- SoundEffects determines whether an effect module is compatible with it by looking
- at two version numbers the module supplies:
- - the version number of the header file the module was compiled with, and
- - the oldest version number of the header file the module requires.
- For example, suppose the version of the headers you are using is version 10.
- In the headers file, it is specified which callbacks were introduced in which
- version.
- Let’s suppose in your module you don’t use any callbacks that were introduced in
- versions 8 or higher: all the callbacks you use are labeled as “Version 1...7
- Callbacks” in the header file. In this case, you’d specify 7 as the oldest supported
- headers version. This way, you tell SoundEffects that your module cannot run on
- versions of SoundEffects which do not support all the callbacks you use (in this
- case versions of SoundEffects that correspond to header versions 1 to 6).
- You must specify the oldest version number of the header file in a 'mInf' resource,
- as described above in “Resources”.
- The pointers to the callback routines are passed to your module by SoundEffects in
- two parameters: glue68k and gluePPC. These two structures contain pointers to the
- same routines, but you will have to use glue68k if your code resource contains
- 680x0 code, and gluePPC if it contains native PowerPC code.
- If you use the file “Glue.c” supplied with the SoundEffects Developer’s Kit, this
- will be handled for you and your settings() and effect() routines will only receive
- the pointer to the one appropriate GlueRec structure.
- In any case, you will always call the callbacks the same way:
- theResult = (*glue->TheCallback)(theParameters);
- All the callbacks may move memory.
- • GetBytesToProcess returns the number of selected bytes, taking into account
- every selected channel and its length.
- • ModMaxChSize returns the length (in bytes) of the longest channel.
- • ModMaxRelChSize takes the number of selected bytes in each channel
- and returns the greatest one.
- • ModDoSettingsDialog handles all the settings dialog automatically.
- Pass true in withSetups if you want to have a pop-up
- menu with common used settings in the dialog. Everything
- will be handled by this single callback.
- Pass an ItemInfoHandle containing a description of each
- dialog item to the callback.
- See the sample module “Settings Test” for details.
- • ModGetSampleValueLimits returns the maximum and minimum value allowed for a sample
- with the current bps value.
- • Call (*glue->ModSetupProgress)() early in your module to specify which string you
- want to display in the progress bar and to start animating the watch cursor.
- • pass it a pointer to a short variable. This variable MUST be either a global
- variable or one that won’t be disposed of before ModCloseProgress will be called.
- Whenever you have time in your loop, check the value of this variable: if it is not
- zero, you should call (*glue->ModShowProgress)().
- • Pass ModShowProgress two parameters to indicate at what point you are in process.
- For example, pass percentageDone and 100, or processedSamples and
- totalSamplesToProcess. Pass 0xFFFFFFFF in the first parameter if you can’t tell
- in which point you are of the effect process. In this case, a striped bar will
- be shown.
- Also pass it a pointer to the “timeToCallProgress” short variable. It will reset
- it to zero.
- • ModShowProgress returns a OSErr value. If the user clicks the Stop button, this
- value will be kModCancel, and the module should clean up and exit. If possible, it
- should restore the original data. If this can’t be done or is too much work, pass
- false in the canCancel parameter, otherwise pass true.
- • ALWAYS call (*glue->ModCloseProgress)() before exiting.
- • If you don’t want to show a progress window, you can still call ModSetupProgress
- and then ModCloseProgress to show the spinning watch cursor.
- • You can pass 0L to ModSetupProgress in the textStr or in the modInfo parameters,
- but not in the timeToCallProgress parameter.
- • All selection bounds and sound sizes are passed in bytes, not samples.
- If modInfo->selSt is 0L and modInfo->selEnd is 5000L, it means the first byte
- you are allowed to touch is the one at (*myChannelHandle + 0L), and the last one
- if (*myChannelHandle + 4999L), not the 5000th.
- The number of selected bytes is, of course, modInfo->selEnd - modInfo->selSt, in
- this case 5000.
- • You can obtain the size of one sample, in bytes, with:
- sampleSize = modInfo->bps/8 + (modInfo->bps%8 != 0);
- • modInfo->firstSelCh and modInfo->lastSelCh values range from 1 to
- modInfo->numChans.
- • An SEChanHandle is passed to your module inside the ModParamsRec record. This
- handle contains the handles to the document’s channels and their sizes.
- The handle to channel number ch is, for example:
- myChannelHandle = (*modInfo->hands)[channelNumber].chan;
- and the size of that channel, in bytes, is:
- myChannelSize = (*modInfo->hands)[channelNumber].size;
- • The ModParamsRec should contain everything you need to know about the sound:
- a pointer to the window (parentWind), the selection bounds (selSt, selEnd,
- firstSelCh, lastSelCh), the number of channels (numChans), the sample size
- (bps), the sampling rate (rate), the loop bounds (loopSt, loopEnd), the
- currently selected units (units - see the file “ModUnits.h”).
- • The doExtend field of the ModParamsRec record contains 1 if the user wants
- you to enlarge the sound as necessary when your effect needs to do that;
- 0 if the user wants the selection to have the same length as before applying
- the effect, or 2 if he wants to decide each time. So, if you’re going to
- modify the length of the selection or if you may change the sound outside
- the selection, and modInfo->doExtend is 2, call (*glue->AskDoExtend)().
- This callback will return either true (extend) or false (don’t extend the
- selection).
- • The short integers returned by (*glue->ModGetChannelPan)() are formatted as
- volumes in the new SoundManager 3.0. They are fixed-point values, where the
- high byte is the integer part and the low byte is the fractional part.
- 0x0100 (kFullVolume) is full volume (you can overdrive the channel by setting
- the value to more than 1.0),
- 0x0080 is half volume, and
- 0x0000 is silent.
- All negative values are silent.
- • The reference number for the module file is contained in the refNum field of
- the ModParamsRec record, modInfo->refNum.
- When the module is called, it should perform only the requested action and then
- exit, returning a OSErr value. This value should be:
- - kModNoError if the effect ran succesfully and some data was modified.
- - kModCancel if the effect left everything untouched.
- - any positive value if an error occurred and some data was modified.
- SoundEffects will take care of alerting the user about
- this, and it will use the corresponding string in the
- module’s 'STR#' resource, ID = 1000, as an error message.
- - any negative value if an error occurred and nothing was changed.
- SoundEffects will use the corresponding positive string
- in the module’s 'STR#' resource, ID = 1000, as an error
- message.